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Jones was born in Des Moines, Iowa.  He was the replacement for the band's original guitarist, Donnie Steele, who left during the recording of their first songs, put together into a demo called Mate. Feed. Kill. Repeat. which the band themselves have stated is not an album, but a demo. Because the band was almost completed with the demo, he did not contribute to it, but he did receive credit for its sleeve concept and graphics in the liner notes. Before the year was over, Jones had been replaced by guitarist Mick Thomson, and he began to assume his role as the band's sampler and keyboardist. 

Jones is the only member of the band who is not interviewed completely unmasked on Voliminal: Inside the Nine. While he does not wear a mask during the interview, his face remains obstructed by a constant blur. 

His background is unquestionably the most elusive of any other member of Slipknot, so much that he has been known to keep silence throughout even a series of questions. That is why he earned his second nickname, The Silent One.This is not to say he has never spoken outside the confines of the band, however. In fact, Jones has engaged an interview with Cakewalk regarding their equipment, which he prefers when performing samples. He begins most interviews with the zipper covering his mouth opened, and closes the zipper before making any reply to the questions asked. Jones prompted a burst of complaint letters when, another time he broke his silence during an interview, he was quoted as having made the sole statement that, "If I wasn't in this band, I'd probably be out killing people!" He has answered this question also, "If I wasn't in the band today, I'd be driving forklifts in a warehouse all day long."

Former Slipknot vocalist Anders Colsefini has implied that Jones is a misanthrope. While expressing distaste for Jones' behavior, Colsefini revealed that Jones was in fact the inspiration for the song "Killers Are Quiet". However a close friend of the band at the time, Frank Plumley, is credited for the song's fitting title. Colsefini provided further insight into Jones' personality when he claimed that, "Computers are Craig's best friend." According to producer Ross Robinson, Jones was disturbingly quiet during their studio sessions

However, contrary to popular belief, Jones has been known to be very open and, somewhat talkative with fans after Slipknot's performances. This may suggest that his dangerously taciturn behavior is an affectation or exaggeration for the sake of publicity and intrigue.One night jones after playing a show, was walking back stage when a fan taped him on the sholder. Jones's spikes being metal struck a women in the neck and nearly killed her. Some have commented that the "serial killer" comments he has made may be his attempt at [[Black comedy|dark humor]. in addition to his preference to speak during interviews exclusively with the zipper covering his mouth closed.